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Do You Move Like a Stick Figure?

A few years ago I was teaching a 6th grade school teacher who came to the conclusion in my session that she moved like a stick figure. We learn to draw bodies at a very early age as a stick torso, stick arms and legs, and a circle for the head. Very few people actually enhance their people drawing skills into three-dimensional beings.  This brings about discussion on how perception of the body can affect movement and posture.

In my experience, teaching my clients how their bodies are actually put together helps them to make positive changes in the way they move. Knowing that there are 3 joints (some anatomists believe 4 counting the scapulothoracic joint) that make up the shoulder helps my clients move their arms more dexterously. How you lift your arm up in the air is dependent on how your mind perceives how your arm is connected to your body! Learning that a joint is not actually a bone, but the place or space where bones meet, can lead to improvement in movement. I have even found that many people believe the shoulder is actually a bone. That shift in perception can be a game changer for them. Knowing the ribs of your rib cage are flexible and where they are located can affect the way you breathe, rotate your spine, and bend.

I highly encourage you to expand your knowledge of how you are put together and expand your visual map of your body in order to cultivate more efficient movement patterns. Applicable knowledge is empowering!